Expert SEO Agency Offers ROI-Driven Contractor Marketing Services
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Kitchen Remodeling SEO Generates Quality New Leads for Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Company

Lakewood Ranch, United States - May 20, 2022 / Kitchen Remodeling SEO /

Kitchen remodeling is not cheap. It takes some planning, finding the perfect kitchen remodeling showroom, and a suitable contractor for the job. It's sometimes too much to handle. Most times, Google and social media platforms are the first places that your target audience go.

Positioning your business where these potential customers can easily find it online should be your top priority. It's okay if marketing is not your forte. You can always employ a marketer who specializes in kitchen remodeling marketing to help your potential customers find your business online.

Kitchen Remodeling SEO shares some tips on how to generate leads for your Kitchen Remodeling Contractor business.

How to Generate Leads for Your Kitchen Remodeling Business

Paid Advertising

Paid advertising is any type of advertising that you have to pay for. Pay per click (PPC) is a form of paid advertising that requires you to at some amount of money when a potential customer clicks on your ads. 

With PPC, it's essential to target the right audience. You can do this by targeting people based on the keywords they search for, their age, income, geographical location, etc. This is to ensure that only those who have an interest in finding a kitchen remodeling contractor will click on your ads. It saves you from wasting money and time. 

PPC can be run on different platforms but Facebook seems to be the most suitable one for kitchen remodeling contractor finders. Use the best contractor marketing services for your PPC ads. 


To make your kitchen remodeling brand visible to potential customers, you need to take advantage of search engine optimization (SEO). When people search for certain keywords that describe their search intent online, a series of results pop up on the first page of search engines like Google. This page is known as the Search Engine Result Page ( SERP). This is the page you want your business on. 

Businesses on this first page get clicked. As for the other ages, well nobody knows what goes on there. To rank up on the SERP, you must optimize your website to match the search intent of visitors, in this case, those who need a kitchen remodeling contractor. Conduct other keyword research to rank your page higher. 

SEO goes beyond keywords, however. Your website is your online showroom, it has to be compelling and convincing enough for your target audience. Although SEO requires so much strategy and effort, if you let an expert do the work, the hour remodeling business will generate more leads. 

Online review

Encourage your existing customers to leave reviews on your website. This tells potential customers that you have worked for real people who are satisfied with what you do. 

Social Media

Building a social media presence is vital. Create posts about kitchen remodeling, and post video and photo content of your last work. Share tips on kitchen remodeling and why they should hire a contractor. You can show them reels of your showroom to give them a feel of your products. Kitchen remodeling is no joke so you are going to have to do a convincing job. 

If it's too much to handle, a kitchen remodeling marketing expert will save you the stress. 

Why Hire an Expert Kitchen Remodeling Marketer?

An expert understands your target audience, their online habits, and where to find them. From experience, an expert marketer knows the right SEO strategy to get potential customers to your website and eventually convert them. 

You may not be familiar with the tools needed to track your ads and campaign or even know which of them is generating more leads. Having this data will help to focus on only the working ads and restarted those that have visited your page without taking action, in the future. 

Additionally, researching keywords can be a difficult task. It requires using tools that you may not be familiar with. It is therefore advisable to leave the job to a kitchen remodeling marketer. 

Work with the Best Kitchen Remodeling Contractor Marketer

Kitchen Remodeling SEO provides an effective marketing strategy for your contractor's business. They have helped kitchen remodeling contractors generate quality leads through Facebook Ads and Local SEO. 

By implementing marketing software, they can track your leads, reviews and ROI. Kitchen Remodeling SEO has all the necessary resources to market your kitchen remodeling business.

Do you need an expert remodeling marketer to promote your showroom and kitchen remodeling business? Contact Kitchen Remodeling SEO at (339) 645- 9461 to schedule a meeting.

Contact Information:

Kitchen Remodeling SEO

5646 Cheech Gln
Lakewood Ranch, FL 34211
United States

Mike Goldstein

In The News


We exclusively work with kitchen and bath remodelers and only take on one client per major metro area.


Mike Goldstein
Kitchen Remodeling SEO

5646 Cheech Gln
Lakewood Ranch, FL, 34211, United States


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