Google's Call Only Ads - An Marketer's Secrete Weapon
Monday, September 27th 2021, 3:25 PM

Google call-only ads target only people searching on their cell phone and ready to call you

Lakewood Ranch, United States - September 27, 2021 / Kitchen Remodeling SEO /

Are you missing out on the biggest opportunity in Google AdWords history?

Google just launched call-only ads, and they are already generating big results for kitchen and bath remodeling companies across the country. Google’s Call-only ads are only seen by searchers using a mobile phone on Google and they can click through directly to your phone number without having to visit a landing page first. This means more leads at a lower cost!

How Call-Only Ads Work

PPC (pay-per-click) advertising is powerful because it offers a more cost-effective connection to the right customers for your niche. Typically, a user will click on a PPC ad and see the business website. Call-only ads are similar but will redirect those who click on the link to calling you from their mobile devices instead of viewing your website.

Google ad copy simplifies these connections with a Google “call only” feature that encourages users to call the service provider. Analytics confirm that about 80% of online searches take place on a mobile device. Call-only ads have the business phone number, business name, and short copy as prominent features because 40% of those mobile searchers will close a sale using that same mobile device.

When a user taps on the advertisement from their mobile device, it generates a phone call to your business instead of loading your website. The user does not need to search for contact information; it is already at their fingertips.

Why Google Call-Only Increases Conversions

A team like ours helps service providers create an ad with cutting-edge call features. It provides invaluable kitchen remodeling leads that convert quickly to sales. The ads also help buyers to connect immediately with providers they like and gather what they need for an informed buying decision.

Contractors that use call ad campaigns in the home renovation industry can cut out several of the steps that were typically necessary for past leads. These call-only ads work because they provide a direct line that allows any potential customer to contact a local provider instantly. Any kitchen remodeling company can then be more responsive to consumers who are ready to sign up for their services—they have already chosen to make the call.

Google call-only ads help consumers who prefer to:

  • speak with a knowledgeable and friendly person instead of combing through content
  • save time and find out what they need to know without hunting for answers online
  • feel empowered by their buying decision instead of ads that put pressure on quick sales or services that they don’t need

Anyone that calls a company through these call ads is at a place where they want to commit to paying for kitchen remodeling services—if the caller finds the right company, these local inquiries will become local sales.

Convenience is driving the service industry, and making it easy for mobile device users to access your business will generate a far greater call conversion. How persuasive could a company be if they could speak directly to a potential customer about their services? Call-only campaigns will help them find out.

Immediate Value with Google Ads’ Call-Only Feature

Call-only ads cut out the red tape, making it easier to connect with customers and convert these leads to profitable remodeling sales. The immediate value of Google Ads with a call-only feature is cost-effectiveness. When you compare the expense associated with traditional PPC campaigns, a call-only campaign provides a far better return on investment.

Businesses can expect a better return with call-only ad copy because:

  • Many users that click on call-only ads are ready to let the business sell to them.
  • About 60% of users prefer to call a service provider and have a real conversation about the sale.

Call-only Google ads provide valuable data to help a business develop its marketing strategy. Call tracking features in these call-only ads allow you to track the phone call’s location, date, and time to collect valuable demographics. The data will contribute to personalized marketing strategies to reach a target audience more effectively in the future.

Learn More About the Ad Campaign Strategies That Work

At Kitchen Remodeling SEO, our focus is on providing support for home and kitchen remodeling services by helping them implement proven marketing strategies that move with the times. Our fine-tuned tools deliver the leads and the conversions that can muscle out the local competition and increase the visibility of the business in their niche. We create campaigns that connect companies directly with a target audience for a stronger brand.

Call us at (339) 645-9461 today for more about how cutting-edge marketing solutions like call-only ads might work for your business.

Contact Information:

Kitchen Remodeling SEO

5646 Cheech Gln
Lakewood Ranch, FL 34211
United States

Mike Goldstein

Original Source:

In The News


We exclusively work with kitchen and bath remodelers and only take on one client per major metro area.


Mike Goldstein
Kitchen Remodeling SEO

5646 Cheech Gln
Lakewood Ranch, FL, 34211, United States


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